Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sports Trainers

Kathy Kaehler to Jennifer Aniston Sexy
Brad Pitt’s ex-wife was having a personal trainer named Kathy Kaehler Sexy. Kathy mode train is unique because it uses playing cards, so the woman who is now 41-year-old was not bored while practicing.
One of Kathy’s movement is described by a unique squats. When lowering the body, Jennifer had to take the cards that are below it and then move it to the right as far as four steps. Return to the squat position, he placed a card, then shuffle the cards are on the right. Then he returned to the starting position to take another card. This movement is carried out Jennifer as much as 10 times. The purpose of this movement is to train the muscles the inner and outer thighs.
Sports Trainers Tips From Hollywood Celebrities
Sports Trainers
For business eating patterns, he explained that if avoiding calories by not eating, then the metabolism will decrease. Eating well is to do it slowly. Count to 10, then before you swallow food. This will make your brain gives a sign that your stomach is full.
Haley Pasternak for Halle Berry
Although no longer young, but the beauty of the body still must remain on guard it well. This is done by Halle Berry who is now 43 years old. Harley Pasternak has its own way to train Halle. By making up-hill walking (uphill road), buttocks, thighs and lower legs more easily fastened. He also suggested to rely dumbbell while practicing. This is because the regulator does not have a dumbbell so that the body will move naturally. In addition, the dumbbell can also be used for a dozen of the other exercises.

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