Thursday, May 20, 2010

Please join the Facebook site “Honour the Prophet Muhammad (s)”

It is noteworthy that Molly Norris who launched the “Draw Muhammad Day” in order to defend the First Amendment points out (in the video clip below) that she drew a cartoon of Muhammad (s), but would never draw a cartoon of the Holocaust. This is pure hypocrisy and double speak on her part. Which version of the First Amendment does she subscribe to: the Islamophobic one which says that the faith of Muslims is to be disrespected at will, or the one that says she would not be able to sell another cartoon in the world if she were to sully the memory of the millions who were exterminated by the Nazis during the Holocaust? I agree with her about respecting the Holocaust, but would like the same respect to be shown to our Prophet, Muhammad (s).
From: “HONOUR THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S)” page in Facebook

A facebook page/event has been set up for May the 20th, and this event has been called draw Muhammad day. So as a response, this page has been created, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to come and defend the honour of Muhammad peace be upon him. The way we shall respond is not by violence, or threats, or insults. No, we shall respond back with wisdom, and with the most important tool we have, the truth.
The prophet Muhammad himself stated that the strong Muslim was the one who could control his anger, and control his emotions, therefore all Muslims should follow this example.
Responding with threats does not defend the prophet, rather it simply feeds the propaganda, and makes them say ‘look! You see , we are right, the Muslims are violent!’ Therefore as Muslims we should be better.
On May 20th we shall release our own video, a video which shall compile some of the greatest examples of the prophet Muhammad. You to can take part, by posting several Islamic narrations that showed the kindness, mercy, humbleness, generosity, and sincerity of the prophet Muhammad. If you choose to do more, and want to make your own video, then do so!
Let us show everyone what a great man Muhammad (S.A.W) was, and rather than mocking him, he should be praised and given the utmost respect. So join up, and forward this group to your friends, so they join as well.
So come, let us defend the honour of Muhammad. peace be upon him, and let us do this with dignity, respect, and wisdom.

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