Thursday, May 20, 2010

Julia Perez

There was a misunderstanding started when one of his campaign team that checks of diplomas at the College and Academy Interstudi. Jupe is a graduate of D1 secretary of the campus.
diplomas at the College and Academy Interstudi
diplomas at the College and Academy Interstudi
“But people who come to check Interstudi Wijaya, whereas there were for majors PR (Public Relations-ed). If I was in Bulungan secretary,” he said when met after filming ‘Super Family’ in Cawang, East Jakarta, Monday (3 / 5 / 2005).
Still according to movie stars ‘Te (Record)’, the person should also seek a diploma on behalf of Yulia Rachmawati not Jupe. Yulia Rachmawati a female descendant of the original name the Sunda-Betawi.

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