Wedding Disasters: The most disastrous things that could ruin your wedding day!.

A Wedding is a dream come true for all of us- it is something each one of us has been looking forward to all our lives and no wonder this is one event where we wish nothing goes wrong. Wedding means guests, lists, some confusion, wedding cake, wedding gifts, venue planning, decorations, wedding dresses, etc. With so many things to take care of, no wonder the bride, the groom and their families are one hassled lot.

It is necessary to take care of so many things if you wish to invite all your near and dear ones at your wedding. Things can go wrong from lists of guests to the venue chosen. Your wedding can become memorable for its blunders rather than the style and success. Here are some of the wedding mistakes that you need to be careful about so you do not ruin your wedding day.

1) Wedding planner: One of the most important persons whenever a wedding is in the offing is the wedding planner. Make sure your wedding planner is an experienced one; this could cause lesser confusion and better order at your wedding. wedding   disaster
If you wish to carry out your wedding all by yourself, you should ensure you are taking care of all aspects of the wedding methodically. This begins from planning the venue and decorations to planning food, guest lists, gifts, etc.
2) Making guest lists: Guest lists are most important. At times with so many people to be invited, it is necessary that you bifurcate all those you know on certain criteria. This would be useful especially if you are interested in inviting only a handful of people and you have large numbers of people to choose from. Another confusion that could result among guest lists is when both the bride and the groom do not calculate how many people each would like to invite. You could end up inviting too many or too little, if your calculations go awry.
3) Inviting wrong guests: If you or your fiancé are not on talking terms with certain people, you need not invite them. Their presence would damage the wedding rather than enhance it; these are the wrong guests to invite.
4) Food preferences: if you love a certain type of food but no one else shares the passion for it. Planning this food for your wedding day could be one of the most disastrous wedding choices ever. It could happen that people either love your choice or the food goes to waste and people go back hungry without eating their fill. Public consensus is the best when it comes to making the choice of food.
5) Wedding Day: Wedding planning requires that you do not just ensure that the day you choose for the wedding is comfortable, preferably a holiday or a weekend. This is necessary if you want your guests to attend your wedding with peace of mind and enjoy themselves.
6) Gifts: No one in the civilized world would make any noise for not receiving a gift. However, it is important that you pay attention to pay attention to the fact that you are giving gifts (if your budget so provides) to everyone, especially to those near and dear ones.
7) Wedding Ring: Do not forget the wedding ring! Keep it with you or your best man/bridesmaid during the time of your wedding. This is necessary to avoid last minute confusion and waste of time and sending someone simply for fetching the wedding ring.
8) Wedding dress: Avoid another wedding disaster by taking trials of your wedding dress. This also includes whether or not you have decreased your weight. This will avoid last minute repairs and adjustments and you looking tacky in your wedding dress.

These are just some of the wedding day disasters that could happen. There are some disasters that only luck can save you from and over which you will have absolutely no control over. These are something like sudden rains, floods, earthquakes, riots, wars, cold wave, etc. Overall if you plan well, there are few reasons for a disastrous wedding.

It is however, important that you be sure that the person you chose to wed on your wedding day is the perfect one. You should take care that on your wedding day, you simply do not just fulfill your wishes, you also fulfill your beloved’s wishes and plan the wedding accordingly. Make sure you display your feelings not just to your beloved, also ensure you play the perfect host. As a host you should be able to take care of any disaster that could disturb your peaceful wedding.